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Frequently Asked Questions: Peer Note-taking

Volunteer Note-takers

  • I volunteered to be a note-taker. What do I do now?

    The first step is to register as a note-taker - you can do that here: Note-taker Registration Form. This will bring you to the online note-taker application where you will create an account in the portal. Follow through the process and sign the contract. You will search for your course using the term, subject, course number, and section, then select it. Once you have done that, you will be assigned as the note-taker - this process can take 1-24 hours.

    If you have signed up as a note-taker before, you will log in directly using the DRC Notetaker Login.

    If you are a student registered with the DRC, you will need to email DRCTechnology@jayconscious.com to sign up as a note-taker.

    If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office at 970-351-2289 or email at DRCTechnology@jayconscious.com.

  • How do I upload my notes?

    You will upload your notes to DRC Online Portal. To do so please login and then go to the Note-taker tab and click on 'Upload and View Notes'. From there, you will upload your notes. You must select the class you are uploading notes for, then the week, and the day.

  • What if I'm taking hand written notes in a class, or I can't type the notes?

    If you are a note-taker and taking hand written notes, you can still submit them by taking a picture of the notes, or by scanning them, emailing it to yourself, and then upload them to DRC Online Portal.

  • What do I get for being a note-taker?

    Being a note-taker is a satisfying experience and we want to make sure that your efforts are rewarded. Note-takers are eligible to receive one of the following rewards: $45 in dining dollars to be used on campus, UNC apparel, a certificate for 45 services hours, or a $100 stipend (this reward has additional steps that you can discuss with the DRC. You will receive your reward for your service during the last week of classes. Make sure that you stop into the DRC office to pick it up!

  • What happens if I miss class?

    Treat this instance as you would for any other class - connect with your professor or a classmate to catch up on the content you missed. Please upload a note stating you missed class that day to the DRC Online Portal.

Students Receiving Notes

  • I requested my accommodations and it was sent to my professor. What now?

    Once you have requested your accommodations and it is sent to the instructor, they have a week to get a note-taker. After that time the DRC will work with the instructor to get one from the class.

  • How do I get my notes from the note-takers?

    Once we have found a note-taker for your class, you will receive an email when notes have been uploaded. When you receive that email you can log into DRC Online Portal and go to the "Note-taking Services" section to download the notes.

  • What if my note-taker isn't uploading notes?

    If you see that notes have not been uploaded within 48 hours of the class, the first step is to let our office know. You can email the Adaptive Technology Coordinator at DRCTechnology@jayconscious.com or you can call at 970-351-2289. We will get in contact with your note-taker to have them upload notes. If they can no longer continue as the note-taker we will work with your professor to find another source of notes for your class.

  • Will the note-taker know who I am?

    No, the student receiving notes is anonymous to the note-taker.

  • Will I still get notes if I miss class?

    Peer notes are not intended to replace class attendance by the note-receiver. Please do your best to attend class and if you miss, communicate with your professor to catch up on what you missed.